Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Plot Wall

In my last post I described the date book and notebooks I’ll be using throughout the year to keep my writing and life organized. Are my characters now demanding date books of their own? As I write my YA novel, I am discovering that my characters need something to keep their plans/goals organized. Instead of rushing off to get each of my main characters a stylish date book, I am experimenting with a plot wall.

I’ve summarized each chapter I’ve written so far, scene-by-scene, on index cards. I also use a little sticky note tracking system so that I can easily find things when I need them. Spreading the cards across the wall like this is revealing to me once again that I am a visual learner/thinker. I love to take breaks from writing my novel, turn away from my computer screen and see everything all at once on my plot wall. That shift, from all-in-the-head to all-out-there-on-the–wall, is refreshing and keeps me on track.

How do you keep your plot organized?


  1. I've never worked this way, but I'll bet I'd like this. I keep a spiral notebook with sections, and work from that. I also create index cards, which keeps me flexible. I'm able to add things and move them around. I'm still kind of learning my style!

  2. This system looks brillant. I always use one of the old fashion composition books, but a plot wall looks some much easier to see everything than thumbing through pages.
    Good luck with your novel.

  3. Oh my goodness I'm so jealous of your organization! This looks wonderful, and much simpler than the strange scraps of information I leave all over the house LOL!

  4. Great blog! You are so organized. I am torn between being disturbed or inspired. Either way, you seem like a valuable contact to have. I hope 2011 is a happy blogging year for you.

  5. Julie - I think I'm still learning my style too. :)

    Alex - Well, I'm using both methods actually (notebooks and plot wall) along with computer files. Hopefully, I'm not in over my head!

  6. Lindsay - My plot wall is just a little bit misleading - I 'appear'organized, just don't look at my desk, night table or my purse where you'd find all my messy scribbles. ;)

    Jonathon - The truly disturbing part is that I tend to start organizational methods and often do not follow through with them. I'm trying. ;) Thanks for stopping by - off to check out your blog.

  7. Okay... your plot wall sounds really, really cool and very organized! I think I'd love to do something like that!

    Um... short answer? I don't. I know I'm going to suffer for it later... with my current book, I just wrote, but I know for the rest of the series I'm going to need to be much more organized.

    Thanks so much for dropping by today! :)

  8. I've been using the computer writing program, Scrivener, to get everything organized. It allows you to create virtual "index cards" to organize plotm, etc. If I lived in a bigger apartment, with an office of my own, I'd probably try organizing my plot on my wall too!

  9. Thanks, WritingNut! Good luck with the next phase.

    Ghenet, I've heard good things about Scrivener. Must check it out! Thanks for stopping by.

  10. On the topic of organizing, I am trying to keep track of everything I read this year. Got a great book journal/notebook. Hopefully it will happen. Our blogs can also be a great organizing tool.

    ~ Lauri Chandler

  11. Great point, Laurie. I should try keeping track of all the books I read too. Thank you!
